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PROJECTS - Industrial

IEC-61508 Robotics
Industrial Robotic Palletizer for Warehouse
IEC-61508 Compliance.

Part of an SQA team developing test systems and code to ensure requirements were satisfied and safety adherence for a large robotic car that picks up pallets in a multi-floor large-scale warehouse.

Embedded software development for Ti safety MCU (Hercules RM) in C.  SQA integration tests written in Microsoft Unit Test Framework .NET C#.   National Instruments DAQ for testing ESTOP (Emergency Stop System).  Timing tests and critical safety systems testing.  Communications over TCP/IP with proprietary protocol.  GPIO interface testing to Allen Bradley Safety PLC I/O.  SOP development, Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) In Excel.  Automated unit tests and manual unit test protocols. Agile Software Development.  Tools: IAR, Segger, Microsoft Visual Studio, Resharper, National Instruments, Teamcity, Jira, Confluence, Fisheye, Sharepoint, Subversion, Slickedit.

Modicon PLC Consulting
Industrial Automation - PLC, HMI
IEC-61131 Compliance.

Work experience with the inventor of the PLC and worlds largest and #1 PLC manufacturer of the time, MODICON.  Lead engineer, started up Modicon Network Services.  Supported hardware and software for the full product line of PLC, Networks, HMI, Remote I/O systems, Modbus Plus, integration with other Industrial control systems including Bailey, Honeywell, Foxboro.  Also worked with other PLC lines: Allen Bradley, GE-Fanuc, Seimens. 

Modicon PLC Consulting
Industrial X-Ray Imaging

Work experience and patent inventor of X-Ray technology to stabilize the X-Ray spot of a 50 Watt XRF (X-Ray Fluorescense) for partical analysis, material classification and process monitoring.  Ti 16 bit MCU, PWM power control, DAC and ADC system, UART comm, hardware and software project design.  Project management including receiving ETL and CE compliance on the product.

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