Embedded systems are used in most commercial and industrial businesses. Silver Bullet Engineering, Inc specializes in Medical Devices, Robotics and Safety Systems, Semiconductor Capital Equipment, and Control Systems such as PLCs.
Safety critical systems are a main focus at Silver Bullet Engineering, Inc., because there are regulatory or industry established standards that are required to deliver a functionally conformant product.
Silver Bullet Engineering, Inc has the capability required to scale to any embedded systems device. A high quality deliverable can be achieved within any market segment:
AI and machine learning
ARM platforms, PIC platforms, Ti, Freescale, and many other SOC platforms
Commercial Products
Industrial Products
Consumer Products
Medical Devices
Semiconductor Fab Equipment
Control Systems and PLCs
Any platform using a microcontroller, GUI, or control system
Silver Bullet Engineering, Inc is unique in offering clients a knowledgeable company with a background in multiple market segments, that can offer a total solution, augment your engineering staff, or firefight the issues that are slowing down your team and delaying your product launch.
Wherever there is an embedded system in use, Silver Bullet Engineering, Inc offers software and electrical engineering solutions.
Click on one of the Project -> sub menus for projects within a specific application.
PROJECTS - Medical Devices
We provide embedded systems solutions to achieving a 510k compliant or PMA medical device design. We offer a variety of services that meets your goals to get product to market, from software to electrical engineering and project management.
These Semiconductor projects meet IEC-62304 Compliance.

Medical Device Infusion Pump
IEC-62304 Compliance.
This is a class 1 medical device infusion pump. Embedded software engineering for bubble detection, develop a unit test platform, and other embedded systems work.
Embedded software development for ST and Ti MCU's in C++, C and Assembler. HAL and driver development for SPI, I2C, GPIO. STM32 Peripheral Library. Power management. CppUnitLite was integrating into the project for Unit Tests. Wrote both automated test code, and manual unit test procotols. Agile Software Development. Tools validation. Tools: Eclipse, gcc, gdb, Doxygen, Segger, Teamcity, Subversion, Jira, Code Composer, Slickedit, Oscilloscopes.

Medical Device Home Hemodialysis
IEC-62304 Compliance.
This is a class 1 medical device home hemodialysis product. Embedded software engineering for barcode scanning, RFID tags, and other embedded systems work.
Embedded software development for NXP and Microchip MCU's in C. Qt for test interface tool in C++. CANopen used to communicate between internal nodes. Barcode scanner and serial port UART driver development integrating HIBC standard protocol on barcodes. RFID development. Bootloader development for ARM and DsPIC cyber-security image loading using PKCS#1 public/private keys over CANopen. Unity unit testing. Software Requirements Specification, Software Detailed Design spec development. Requirements entry into Cognition Cockpit. Agile Software Development. Tools: Eclipse, gcc, gdb, Segger, PC-Lint Static Analysis, MP-LabX, Qt, Subversion, Doxygen, Graphviz.

Medical Device Blood Analyzer (pH, PCO2, PO2, Na+, K+, Ca++, Cl–, and Hct and Glucose)
IEC-62304 Compliance.
This is a class 1 medical device for blood gas analysis. Department manager using Agile Scrum, selected the hardware SoM architecture, reinvented the software engineering department to utilize latest technology tools for Requirements Traceability Matrix, Static Analysis, Unit Testing, and performed software product development.
Team lead - introduced Agile Software Development and new processes for development and SQA. Introduced new technologies to upgrade an existing analyzer to state of the art development tools and processes, new SOPs, and hardware/software implementation. Embedded software development for ARM A9 iMX6 SOM and NXP ARM M4 MCUs. C++ code. Ubuntu with VMWare PC software development. Server configuration and setup - Ubuntu. Tools: Coverity Static Analysis, Jenkins, Seapine Test Track, Seapine Surround SCM, Git, Eclipse, gcc, gdb, Doxygen, Segger, Redmine issue tracking, Oscilloscopes.

Medical Device Image Analysis / Vision System
IEC-62304 Compliance.
This is a class 1 medical device imaging system. Embedded software engineering for Board Support Package (BSP), board bring-up, core software development, and peripheral configuration and coding.
Embedded software development for NXP ARM M3 MCU. C code. LPCOpen HAL and driver abstraction layer development. Board-bringup. Software tools installation and documentation. Intefaces to proprietary devices over SPI, UARTs, GPIOs. Tools validation. Tools: Eclipse, gcc, gdb, LPCXpresso, LPCOpen, Doxygen, Segger, Subversion, Oscilloscopes.
PROJECTS - Semiconductor
These Semiconductor projects meet SEMI Compliance. Embedded systems engineering was done for each of these projects.

Semiconductor Diffision Furnace
This is a class 1 Semiconductor Diffusion Furnace with over 10 nodes on an internal LAN. Network protocol development for custom auto node installer in C language. Hardware development for CPLDs and new board designs.
Embedded hardware and software development for 68050 VME backplane MCUs. C code. Custom interface to Echelon LonWorks network - custom network management software with automatic node installation. Neuron C code. VxWorks OS. Sun Microsystems development platform. Hardware development using Xilinx CPLD, Schematic capture, PCAD layout. Internal ISO auditor for ISO-9000.

Semiconductor Class 1 Stocker and Overhead Conveyor System for Full Fab Inter/Intra Bay
This is a class 1 total fab conveyor system including stockers for reticles and cassettes of wafers. Embedded software and hardware engineering for conveyor routing of cassettes, elevator code, rotators to route product from intrabay to interbay, Ethernet and Profibus networks.
Embedded hardware and software development using Siemens PLCs - redundancy and Profibus custom remote I/O boards. Assembly code. Hardware and software design. Entire fab floor delivery of cassettes of 200 mm wafers from an overhead conveyor. Custom software design for PLC to Stocker and PC high level interface.
PROJECTS - Industrial
These projects include control systems design and also embedded systems engineering.

Industrial Robotic Palletizer for Warehouse
IEC-61508 Compliance.
Part of an SQA team developing test systems and code to ensure requirements were satisfied and safety adherence for a large robotic car that picks up pallets in a multi-floor large-scale warehouse.
Embedded software development for Ti safety MCU (Hercules RM) in C. SQA integration tests written in Microsoft Unit Test Framework .NET C#. National Instruments DAQ for testing ESTOP (Emergency Stop System). Timing tests and critical safety systems testing. Communications over TCP/IP with proprietary protocol. GPIO interface testing to Allen Bradley Safety PLC I/O. SOP development, Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) In Excel. Automated unit tests and manual unit test protocols. Agile Software Development. Tools: IAR, Segger, Microsoft Visual Studio, Resharper, National Instruments, Teamcity, Jira, Confluence, Fisheye, Sharepoint, Subversion, Slickedit.

Industrial Automation - PLC, HMI, SCADA
IEC-61131 Compliance.
Work experience with the inventor of the PLC and worlds largest and #1 PLC manufacturer of the time, MODICON. Lead Staff Engineer in customer service, started up Modicon Network Services. Supported hardware and software for the full product line of PLC, Networks, HMI, Networks, Remote I/O systems, Modbus Plus, integration with other Industrial control systems including Bailey, Honeywell, and Foxboro. Also worked with other PLC lines: Allen Bradley, GE-Fanuc, Siemens. Worked with hundreds of customers around the world on-site and provided support to thousands of customers including Ford, General Motors, Chrysler, Scott Paper, Weyerhaeuser, and many more.

Industrial X-Ray Imaging
Work experience and patent inventor of X-Ray technology to stabilize the X-Ray spot of a 50 Watt XRF (X-Ray Fluorescense) for partical analysis, material classification and process monitoring. Ti 16 bit MCU, PWM power control, DAC and ADC system, UART comm, hardware and software project design. Project management including receiving ETL and CE compliance on the product. Patent contribution.

Industrial Water Extraction/Analysis Controller
This controller has RS-422 Comms to up to 8 Water Extractors used to sample and analyze water. A web browser is the user interface. Both hardware and software design was performed along with project management. This is a platform that contains a SOM (System on Module). Embedded Systems design using C++ programming in a style exclusively developed at Silver Bullet Engineering, Inc. The web browser interface is programmed in HTML, CSS, and Javascript with a JSON protocol for dynamic update along with get/put web server.